Technical Analysts Society Singapore (TASS), is a non-profit organisation which serves as a forum for traders and investors interested in using Technical Analysis methodologies for their trading and investment. TASS is affiliated society of IFTA, International Federation of Technical Analysts.
新加坡技术分析师协会是一非营利组织. 为热衷于技术分析的炒家及投资人提供学习交流的平台.每月定期开办市场分析,投资人教育讲座,提高会员的操盘技巧,讲师有来自海外的著名技术分析师,也有本地经验丰富的分析师及经纪人.
协会欢迎任何18岁以上,热衷技术分析的人士加入会员, 国籍不限.会员可免费参加每月举行的讲座(提供免费茶点),也可免费借阅协会的图书,可以在协会的网站链接自己的网站,也可以攻读技术分析大专文凭及硕士文凭. 请浏览本站有关会籍网页,获取更详细信息.
Technical Analysts Society Singapore (TASS) dedicate themselves to the following:
- The society positions itself as a non-commercial entity.
It adopts a neutral and professional stance in local industry. The membership fee is extremely low and the course fee very rational. It has an ads-free web page, unless the ads would benefit members. It has a clean and technical analysis oriented Facebook group.
- It endeavors to maximum benefits for its members.
It provides a friendly environment for networking. It filters many speakers for the most qualified ones. It is affiliated to International Federation of Technical Analysts which offers international TA degree and regular webinars. It is equipped with a few hundreds of technical analysis books.
- It safeguards the interests of members.
It is strict with commercial promotions. It does not tolerate hard selling during the talks. It bans sign-up of courses on-the-spot after the talk. It does not endorse courses offered by any commercial entities. It prioritizes job opportunities for members.
A copy of TASS constitution is available here